Trauma Specialist
Certified EMDR Clinician
Psychedelic Assisted Therapy (PSI)
Somatic Experiencing Practioner (SEP)
Certified Accelerated Resolution Therapist
I'm not in the business of instigating change. I am in the delicate and complex work of allowing and empowering it. Because I feel that ultimately, YOU have the wisdom and the power to bring about the changes you need; Because change is YOUR work and your choice, my role is to set the stage, in some instances empty it, explore what stands in the way, discover with you all the options and possibilities for change. Ultimately, you decide. The fact that you are here already ensures it. My job is to notice it, observe it, reflect it, and honor it. In this space, I have seen amazing change happen. Holding you Tenderly, Tania
Trauma Treated Tenderly
How EMDR works (WebMD article)
​Scientific American article
Expert Q&A with Experts (NYT article) Interview with Francine Shapiro (founder of EMDR)
EMDR for Addictions and Compulsions
National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health Research
20/20 Report on EMDRLaura ParnellLiving Yesterday: A Look at PTSD (a personal account)How does PTSD affect the brain
Psychedelic Somatic Institute Model?
What is the Psychedelic Somatic Institute Model?
How is the PSI model different from the Sitter Model?Why Psychedelic Therapy?Dissociation and Psychedelic Therapy
( New ! ) Typical PSIP Session
( New ! ) Somatic Experiencing Video
( New !) How does Accelerated Resolution Therapy work?
( New ! ) Accelerated Resolution Therapy- a social experiment.
Laura Parnell, Tapping In
Francine Shapiro, Getting Past your Past
Peter Levine In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness
Joan Lovett Small Wonders: Healing Childhood Trauma With EMDR
Gentle with Myself (music by Karen Drucker)
Hold me Jesus (music by Rick Mullins)
HemiBalance ( Iphone app for EMDR )
Mindfulness Secrets